¡Kiokuryoku wo Takameru
¡Nature Notes
[Machine Translation] [The ultimate healing CD series based on the latest brainwave research to alleviate and solve various problems of today's society! Draws out the power of the brain that is normally asleep and improves memory and memorization! When measuring the brain waves of memory experts, mid-alpha waves are observed to be stronger when remembering, and slow alpha waves are observed to be stronger when recalling. By listening to this CD, you will be conditioned with words and images so that mid-alpha and slow alpha waves predominate and memory is activated when necessary. The CD includes not only music, but also a narration explaining how to listen to and use the CD, as well as an introduction before listening to the CD. Includes a manual explaining how to listen to the CD and its benefits in an easy-to-understand manner. Supervision, composition, and writing by Kazumasa Shiga (Director of the Institute for Capacity Development).