¡Kaimin Seikatsu
¡Nature Notes

 Description
[Machine Translation] [Musicare Healing Series - Positive Support for Your Troubled Mind - 20 titles in total] The ultimate healing CD series based on the latest brainwave research to alleviate and solve various problems of today's society! The ultimate healing CD series to help you wake up refreshed in the morning! To wake up refreshed in the morning, it is important to be conscious when you go to sleep. The tempo58 of the music on this CD is synchronized to 8 times 7.8Hz, which is the boundary between slow alpha waves observed when the brain is concentrating on sleep and theta waves observed in shallow sleep, and also includes fluctuations of 8 to 9Hz to create conditions for the brain to concentrate on sleep. In addition to the music, the CD also includes a narration explaining how to listen to and use the CD, as well as an introduction before listening to the CD. Includes a manual explaining how to listen to the CD and its effects in an easy-to-understand manner. Supervision, composition, and writing by Kazumasa Shiga (Director of the Institute for Capacity Development).

凌 Credits
Nature Notes

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