¡Kareinaru DekaVol.1
¡Japanese TV Series

 Description
First DVD release from Japanese TV series "Kareinaru Deka" includes episodes 1 thorugh 4. A super detective returns after living in Los Angeles to team up with a small town cop to solve various mysteries. Though the two don't match very well, their quests to solve crime do not end up in vain.

Original Release Year: 1977

凌 Credits
Masao Kusakari (Cast)
Kunie Tanaka (Cast)
Fumi Dann (Cast)

Katsutoshi Atarashi (Cast)

Shin Kishida (Cast)
Ichirou Arishima (Cast)
Asao Sano) (Cast)
Masao Kusakari

¡ Detailview
¡ Tracklisting
¡ Edition Details


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