¡Future Diary (Mirai Nikki)Vol.1
Based on the hit manga created by Esuno Sakae and published in the "Monthly Shonen Ace" magazine. Plot: An high school student, Yukiteru Amano has a problem making friends. He always writes down everything he sees in a cell phone diary. Tormented by solitude, Yukiteru began to imagine things like a friend called Deus Ex Machina who is apparently the Lord of Time & Space. Seeing Yukiteru's miserable state, Deus gives him a new ability. His diary start recording events that will happen in the near future by itself. Yukiteru is then forced to participate in a game which the winner will become Deus' successor. Includes episodes 1 and 2. Comes with a 8-page booklet (subject to change). Cover artwork is designed by Esuno Sakae.
Special Features:
creditless opening and ending, TV spots, promotional video (subject to change)
Original Release Year: 2011
Edition Details