¡PURPLE STORMSpecial Edition

 Description
[Machine Translation] [Smile Price No. 4] A very popular film that dominated Asian film awards. The leading Hong Kong action film director, Jackie Chan, provided production support for this film. The production cost was a staggering 500 million yen, and the film shows off the high quality of the cast and the sharp action. The realistic SFX are a must-see! The explosion scenes were created by Stargate Films, a leading Hollywood production company, and the CGI is on par with Hollywood blockbusters. A fierce battle unfolds between terrorists vs. anti-terrorist forces over a final chemical weapon in this powerful Hong Kong action film! [Limited manufacturer's shipping period: July 10, 2004 - January 31, 2005].

Original Release Year: 1999

凌 Credits
Teddy Chan (Director)
Kam Kwok-Leung (Cast)


Teresa Lee (Cast)

Teddy Chan
Peter Kam
Kam Kwok-Leung

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