Take Flight
Maya Jane Coles
[Machine Translation] Maya Jane Coles, a top female DJ with Japanese and British heritage, releases her second album! In 2015, Maya released her darker side as her alter ego "Nocturnal Sunshine" and visited Japan, but now she is back under her own name! Maya, who wrote, produced, engineered, arranged, mixed, performed, and even designed the artwork for this two-disc set of 24 tracks. The album is a two-disc set of 24 tracks with beats that include elements of trip-hop, a psychedelic twist, and an electro sound that will keep you hooked! Acoustic songwriter Chelou appears on "Darkside," We Fell to Earth singer Wendy Ray Flower on "A Chemical Affair" and "Misty Morning," and GAPS singer Rachel Butt on "Keep Me Warm. GAPS singer Rachel Butt guested on "Keep Me Warm".
yFirst Pressz
Bonus Extra
(included while First Press is still available)
sticker with a code to download bonus track(s) (mp3 format / system requirements unknown), lyrics, liner notes (all subject to change)