a-ha The Movie

 Description
[Machine Translation] Documentary about a-ha, whose debut song "Take on Me" was a worldwide hit! a-ha was formed in 1982 in Oslo by Morton Halkett, Paul Workter, and Magne Frucholmen. Their debut song "Take on Me" was a big hit with its innovative music video and reached No. 1 on Billboard in the U.S. Their first album "Hunting High and Low" sold more than 11 million copies worldwide and catapulted them to stardom in no time. The film depicts the three members' encounters, the formation of the band, and their ongoing evolution through the frenzied 80s and 90s, breakups, and reunions. The film was directed by Academy Award -winning filmmaker Noriyuki Nakamura, who also produced "I am the Worst," which won the 94th Academy Award . The film is directed by Tomas Robtherm, a filmmaker who was nominated for the 94th Academy Awards for his production of "I am the Worst," and Aslag Holm, a leading Norwegian documentarian, who spent four years interviewing Morton Halkett, Paul Workter-Savoy, and Magne Fruholmen, as well as other people involved with the music. The film tells the story of a-ha as it really was, united by the bond of music, along with many of the classic songs that symbolize the era.

yFirst Pressz Bonus Extra (included while First Press is still available) : postcards

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