¡Club Zero

 Description
[Machine Translation] Welcome to Club Zero. The latest health tip to improve your happiness: don't eat. The latest health tip to improve your happiness is "not to eat". Novak, a nutrition teacher at a prestigious school, tells his students that "eating less is healthy and can free you from the constraints of society" (conscious eating). By the time the parents begin to notice, it is too late, and the students are so absorbed in the teachings that they join a mysterious club called "Club Zero. The teacher of nutrition will lead them to happiness or ruin. The film includes interviews with director Jessica Hausner, Mia Wasikowska, and others, and a trailer.

Original Release Year: 2023

凌 Credits
Mia Wasikowska
Sidse Babett Knudsen
Ksenia Devriendt
Luke Barker
Jessica Hausner
Markus Binder


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