¡Rajo to Satsujin Kasuba
¡Japanese Movie
[Machine Translation] The eyes of a wild beast shining with a deadly intent! Five thugs lurking in the devil's cave! The mysterious neon murder Kasbah! --The neon district of Johoku Shinchi is called "Kasuba". Senba, a gangster who has his stronghold here, has his friend Ogiso kill a woman and kick her half-naked corpse into the river. After escaping arrest by the police, Anzai joins Senba and his gang after serving 15 years in prison. The three, including bar master Kuroki, plan to rob the Tokyo Ballpark of its proceeds. Anzai tries to recruit Yashiro, a trumpet player at a strip joint, into his plan. Yashiro was born in prison, but Anzai loves her as if she were his own child. Yashiro's girlfriend Yuri, a stripper at the theater, was watching him anxiously. Yashiro once refused the invitation, but when Senba was fired from the theater for hanging Yashiro's criminal record, he made a choice to join the plan. Anzai infiltrated Yashiro as a ballpark security guard, and the plan for the attack steadily progressed. Just before the attack, however, Ogiso and Kuroki fight over Kuroki's mistress Sumiko, and Kuroki, upset, tries to tip off the police about the plan. Yashiro, too, is invited by Yuri, who has quit her job, to live with her in the countryside...
Original Release Year: 1959
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