¡Japanese Movie
DVD release of the film "Yudo" starring Toma Ikuta. Directed by Masayuki Suzuki! Plot: Shiro Miura (Toma Ikuta) is an architect who suddenly returns to his family's bathhouse, Marukin Onsen, left behind by his late father. The reason for his return is to tell his younger brother Goro (Gaku Hamada), who runs the bathhouse, that he is going to fold up the old bathhouse and rebuild it into an apartment building. Goro rebels against Shiro, who left his parents' house to live freely in the city, and takes a cold attitude toward him. Meanwhile, Yokoyama, a postal worker nearing retirement age who is fascinated by "judo," which means "to deeply reflect on bathing," is learning how to use a bath from the headmaster at a judo Kaiman, and has a dream of using his retirement allowance to build a cypress bath at home, but he has not talked about his plan to his family. One day, a boiler room fire breaks out, and Goro is hospitalized. With the advice of Izumi, who works at the bathhouse, Shiro is forced to spend a few days as the owner of Marukin Onsen in place of his brother. Regular customers, couples, parents and children pass through the curtain as usual. The drama of laughter and happiness comes to each and every one of them, without any distinction. Yokoyama, whose bathtub at home is under construction, is also there. Shiro, who is unfamiliar with the bath, gradually unravels something hardened in his mind as he heats the water and sees various human situations....
Original Release Year: 2023
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