¡Bungo to Alchemist Rodoku CDVol.20 "Kafu Nagai"
¡Drama CD (Ryotaro Okiayu)

 Description
[Machine Translation] Another literary tale of great writers reincarnated in this world (Bungo to Alchemist), the 7th series of reading CDs is now available! Each volume includes readings of novels and poems by the cast, plus a mini-drama (an emergency round-table discussion) featuring a dialogue between the three. Cast: Kafu Nagai ( Ryutaro Oyau ) [Event 20 ( Kafu Nagai ) ] ( ? To Kitan ( I - III ) / Omaake Drama ( Urgent Round-table Talk No.20 - Talking about Kafu Nagai )

凌 Credits
Ryotaro Okiayu

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