Drama CD - Tsuki wa Higashi ni Hi wa Nishi niVol.3
Drama CD (Hikaru Midorikawa, Junko Kusayanagi, Rie Kanda, et al.)

 Description
[Machine Translation] In 2003, the third anime version of "Tsuki wa Higashinani, Hi wa Nishinani" (Moon is East, Sun is West), a much talked-about work that captivated many PC game users, was released on CD! Included are episodes that were not depicted in the TV animation. Another story of the girls is here. The jacket illustration is newly drawn.

yFirst Pressz Bonus Extra (included while First Press is still available) : bonus track(s)

凌 Credits
Hikaru Midorikawa (Artist)
Junko Kusayanagi (Artist)

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