Zombie-ya Reiko
Drama CD (Hitomi Nabatame, Yumi Touma, Romi Paku, et al.)

 Description
[Machine Translation] The popular manga "Reiko Zombie Shop", which was serialized in Bunka-sha's "Horror M" magazine and completed in 11 volumes in the spring of 2004, has been made into a long-awaited drama CD for the first time! The story is faithfully based on the original work, and presents a horrifying Ripper the Horror! Focusing on the epic battle of "Reiko vs. Lilka," this sound drama adaptation of the second and third volumes of the manga features a cast made up of the original author's three families. The cast is completely supervised by the original author, Rei Sankemoto! The cast is supervised by Rei Sankemoto, the author of the original manga. The opening and ending songs are also selected by Rei Sankemoto and are black metal songs! Cover: Newly drawn by Rei Sankemoto.

yFirst Pressz Bonus Extra (included while First Press is still available) : special feature/bonus available

凌 Credits
Hitomi Nabatame (Artist)
Yumi Toma (Artist)

Hikaru Midorikawa (Artist)
Masumi Asano (Artist)
Radio Drama (Artist)

Sayaka Ohhara (Artist)
AiM (Artist)



©Neowing co.