¡Getter RoboVol.1
[Machine Translation] This year marks the 47th anniversary of the serialization of the hit manga series "Getter Robo" by Go Nagai and Ken Ishikawa, which began in 1974. To commemorate the anime adaptation of the final chapter, "Getter Robo Arc," the original "Getter Robo" broadcast in 1974 is now available at a new, affordable price! This is the first volume of the DVD. Ken Ishikawa, known for his work on "Majuu Sensen", co-wrote the original story with Go Nagai. The action of the Getter robot, which combines three bodies and undergoes three transformations, became the forerunner of the "combined robot" series that followed. Kazuo Komatsubara, who worked on Nagai's "Devilman," designed the characters. Episodes 1 to 13 are included. Broadcasting period: April 1974 - May 1975 on Fuji Television Network
Original Release Year: 1974
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