¡Kenka Karate Kyokusinburaiken[Priced-down Reissue]
¡Japanese Movie
[Machine Translation] [Based on "Karate Baka Ichidai" written by Kajiwara Ikki and Kagemaru Joya, this is the second installment of "KENKA KARATE KYOKUSHINKEN" which depicts the turbulent life of Oyama Baidatsu, the creator of Kyokushin Karate. Action star Shinichi Chiba once again takes on the role of Oyama Baidatsu, this time in a powerful showdown with a brown bear! The cast also includes Yumi Tanegawa, Toru Yuri, Masashi Ishibashi, and Hideo Murota, as in the first film, as well as Yutaka Nakajima, Masayuki Yuhara, and many others. -- Oyama Baidatsu, who made a name for himself with his "Kenka Karate" (fighting karate), is also known as the "Cow Killer" for killing a raging bull with a single fist of his sword. However, he was criticized by those involved and isolated from the karate world. --A few years later, Oyama returned to the mountains after training alone. In order to see the results of his training, Oyama applies for a match at the Renshinkan. However, Ryudoji Shigenari, the head of the Renshinkan, refuses his application, and he is attacked by Ryudoji's disciples, who ban him from the karate world. In desperation, Oyama reunites with his old friend Kimura at a bar. Kimura is now the boss of a gang that has its own territory, and Oyama becomes Kimura's bodyguard and frequent guest in the cabaret. His encounters with his girlfriend Chihachiko and two sagi masters, Ohashi and Kozuru, lead him back to the path of karate. However, this path leads him to a fateful confrontation with Ryudoji and eventually to a showdown with a brown bear...!
Original Release Year: 1975
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