¡Yagi no Bouken
¡Japanese Movie
First movie directed by a junior high school student in Japan, "Yagi no Bouken" comes out on DVD. Director is a 14-year-old boy, Ryugo Nakamura from Okinawa. Cocco sings its main theme "Yagi no Sanpo." Plot: Set in Okinawa, Yuto spends a weekend with his grand father and grand mother who live in countryside of Okinawa. His grand parents have two kid goats Pochi and Shiro, however one day, they disappear. Yuto shockingly finds that Pochi is served as a goat soup at a celebratory event. And Shiro who is supposed to be eaten next, gets away and village people chase him. Yuto also chases Shiro with mixed feelings. What will happen to Shiro and Yuto. . . !?
Special Features:
unreleased movie "Mimikiri Bozu" and trailers (subject to change)
Edition Details