¡Shuranosuke Zanmaken Shikamamon no Otoko

 Description
[Machine Translation] A gripping period action anime produced in 1990, based on the original story by Takeshi Narumi! Directed by Osamu Dezaki, the master of "Ace wo Nerae! and The Rose of Versailles) and directed by Osamu Dezaki, with Akio Sugino serving as animation director. This ambitious work is painfully paced, mixing fierce chanbara battle scenes with extreme sensuality. Enclosed is a 4-page instruction manual. Picture label.

Original Release Year: 1990

凌 Credits
Osamu Dezaki (Director)
Kazuhiko Inoue (Cast)
Rei Sakuma (Cast)
Tessho Genda (Cast)

¡ Detailview
¡ Tracklisting
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