¡The Exploits of Moominpappa
[Machine Translation] The latest puppet animation film based on "Memories of Moominpappa" by Tove Jansson, with several episodes added. The film, produced in Finland, tells the story of the young Moominpappa's adventures, the appearance of Snufkin's parent Joxal, Sniff's parent Rodd Yule, and Little Mii, and the encounter between Moominpappa and Moominmamma, as well as the pasts of the Moomin characters. The Japanese dubbed version of the film was created by the popular regular voice actors of the Heisei version of the "Moomin" series (Minami Takayama, Akio Otsuka, Mika Kanai, Ryusei Nakao, Takehito Koyasu, etc.). The DVD brings to life the great adventures of these fascinating characters, brought to life by the voice actors of your memories! --Moomintroll is in bed with Moominpappa, who tells him of adventures from his youth. Along the way, he meets Fredrickson, an inventor, and Rod Yule (Sniff's father), who collects junk and is always in a hurry to get rid of it. Fredrickson unveils his newly completed ship, the "Sea Orchestra," to everyone. When they board the ship, they find that the carefree Yoxal (Snufkin's father) has snuck onto the ship on his own. With the help of Edward the dragon, the happy friends set off on a grand voyage. On their journey, they meet Mimula's daughter and Little Mii, interact with a timid Obake, and receive presents from a mischievous king... The exciting adventure has just begun!
Original Release Year: 2023
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