¡Thelma&louise4K Restored Ver.

 Description
[Machine Translation] An event occurs that changes their lives forever. There is no turning back now! Starring Susan Sarandon and Geena Davis, two Oscar-winning actresses who were both nominated for an Academy Award ( R ) for Best Actress in a Leading Role for their role in this film! Master filmmaker Ridley Scott's innovative and beautifully rendered screenplay by Cary Khouri! Starring Michael Madsen, Brad Pitt and Harvey Keitel! Winner of the 64th Academy Award ( R ) for Best Screenplay. --Thelma is a housewife and Louise works as a waitress. They plan a weekend trip, but they get into trouble along the way. When Louise shoots and kills a man who tries to assault Thelma, she is chased by the police and ends up on the run...

Original Release Year: 1991

凌 Credits
Susan Sarandon
Geena Davis
Michael Madsen
Brad Pitt
Harvey Keitel
Ridley Scott
Hans Zimmer

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