¡Sadako 3DSadako no Noroi Bako w/ Sadako's Hair [Limited Pressing] [Blu-ray]
¡Japanese Movie

 Description
3D film based on the hit novel and film "The Ring" written by Koji Suzuki comes out on Blu-ray! Stars Satomi Ishihara, Koji Seto and Ai Hashimoto. Directed by Tsutomu Hanabusa of "Handsome Suit" fame. Plot: At a high school where Akane works as a teacher, an moving image cause tongues to wag. The live broadcast shows a man committing suicide, and word gets out that the person who see the video will die. Then Akane's student Noriko mysteriously die, and more suspicious deaths occur one after another. The police concludes that the deaths are suicides. However, they have in common. All of them watched a video before they died. In this video, you can hear a woman's voice say "Not you" . . . This edition comes with a photo book "Sadako no Kyujitsu," a bonus DVD with over 40-min. making-of, Nico Nico Douga live footage, event footage, a music video of "Dee Dee ESP (Android)," trailers, TV spots, and a music video of "S (SID) Movie Ver" and Sadako's hair in a special box. *You will need 3D compatible devices in order to watch this in 3D. If you do not use 3D devices, then you can see this in 2D instead. *The DVD disc is encoded for region 2 (Japan, Europe, and Middle East), and no subtitles are included.

Original Release Year: 2012

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