¡Manzai Kyokai The Movie - Butai no Ue no Korinai Menmen -
¡Japanese Movie (Documentary)
[Machine Translation] Nobuyuki Hanawa of Knights Hanawa makes his debut as a film director! This documentary captures the "now" of the Manzai Association and the comedians who devote themselves to the stage at the Toyokan in Asakusa. In the age of TV and the internet, why do we still care about the stage? A story of people who have something to protect, filmed from Asakusa. --The Toyokan, a.k.a. Asakusa Franceza Theater, is where the comedians who belong to the Manzai Association perform day after day. Yuhei Ozora, who ran over his right arm in an accident and is undergoing rehabilitation to return to the stage, and Homerun Tanishi, who has been active as a duo for 39 years and continues to perform as a pin comedian even after the death of his partner. Hamako and Terako, who continue to live together after their divorce and continue to perform as a duo. The camera follows the profiles of comedians of various generations, including the young duo Dolphin Song, which has only been together for three years. The film also depicts the past, present, and future of the comedians who gathered at the Manzai Association, including the thoughts of Keiko Utsumi, the honorary president of the Manzai Association, who was also the mentor of Knights and insisted on remaining on stage to the end.
Original Release Year: 2024
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