¡Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry
¡Movie (Documentary)
[Machine Translation] Ai Weiwei, a contemporary Chinese artist whose works are eagerly awaited by the most prestigious museums and international exhibitions around the world. A stimulating documentary from an artist who continues to challenge and provoke the government. Ai Weiwei is one of China's most prominent contemporary artists and at the same time one of the country's most vocal critics of the 2008 Olympic Games. Against the backdrop of a nationwide crackdown on anti-government protesters in early 2011, Ai Weiwei's Shanghai studio was ruthlessly demolished and he spent 81 days in illegal custody. Ai Weiwei was illegally detained for 81 days. These dramatic events made Ai Weiwei even more iconic than before. Ai Weiwei's rebellious spirit faces an unprecedented challenge: how to survive the harsh conditions that accompany his release from custody.
Original Release Year: 2012
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