¡Anna Jun Watashi no Sukina Uta mes cheres chansons(B Type)
¡Jun Anna

 Description
[Machine Translation] Jun Anna's 55th anniversary album. Takarazuka" is a unique form of global entertainment that Japan is proud to offer to Asia and the world. Jun Anna, the singer who made a name for herself with "The Rose of Versailles," the cornerstone of Takarazuka, still dedicates her life to singing. Why does she still enjoy such great popularity? The fascination is hidden in this film, her first in 15 years. Jun Anna, a giant star of female vocalists, presents this album to a wide range of fans of popular music. This 2-CD set includes live recordings from 2019 in addition to her gem recordings. The luxurious booklet with 16 pages is full of newly taken photos. The booklet is 16 pages and full of photos taken by the artist.

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