¡TV Animation 30th Anniversary Doraemon TV Theme Song Collection

 Description
Compilation album release from the popular anime series "Doraemon" commemorating 30th anniversary since the TV anime was aired. Includes lots of intro and outro themes.

凌 Credits
MAO (Artist)
Himawari Kids (Artist)
Rimi Natsukawa (Artist)
Nobuyo Ohyama (Artist)

Tokyo Purin (Artist)
Misato Watanabe (Artist)
AJI (Artist)

CHIAKI (Artist)
Keiko Yokozawa (Artist)
Mitsuko Horie (Artist)
Yui Nishiwaki (Artist)
Yuzu (Artist)

ALFEE,THE (Artist)
Hitomi Shimatani (Artist)
W (Artist)

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¡ Detailview
¡ Tracklisting


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