¡Sekai de Ichiban Wakariyasui Classic Ongaku Nyumon no CDVol.2 Music in the Classical Period
¡Classical V.A.

 Description
[Machine Translation] The official CD for the "Classical Sommelier Certification Test" includes all of the pieces explained in the test book "The World's Most Easy-to-Understand Book of Introduction to Classical Music". This CD set is recommended for those who want to listen to classical music but do not know where to start. This is a definitive introduction to classical music for those who want to enjoy a wide variety of masterpieces selected by a classical sommelier. Volume 2 is "Classical Music.

凌 Credits
Jesus Lopez-Cobos
Orchestre de Chambre de Lausanne
Carmina Quartet
Helmut Koch
Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra
Gerhard Unger
Ingeborg Wenglor

¡ Detailview
¡ Tracklisting


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