¡Wakai Koyuza, Bakusho Rakugo Shu "Shotokuin," Rinki no Hi no Tama"
¡Sanyutei Koyuza
[Machine Translation] Sanyutei Koyuzo, a popular performer on "Laugh Spot" and a leading figure in the world of rakugo, revives his youthful oral performance! Sanyutei Koyuzo is a well-known figure who has long been active on the popular TV program "Shoden" (Laugh Spot) and has also demonstrated his weight without regret as vice president of the Rakugo Art Association. His fast-paced, upbeat style of performance has brought laughter from the audience, and his unique delivery has won him many fans. This CD, his first CD release in a long time, is a sound source discovered from Bunka Hoso's rakugo tape library, and was broadcast from 1984 to 1993. The young and cheerful storytelling of the master is a must-listen! Includes all two performances.