¡Dogen no Boken
¡Theatrical Play
[Machine Translation] A must-see play by Hisashi Inoue, Yukio Ninagawa and Theatre Cocoon! A thrilling and shocking work full of dreams and reality, language and music, starring Hiroshi Abe. Hisashi Inoue's early masterpiece "The Adventures of Dogen" won the 17th Kishida Kunio Drama Award and the Art Encouragement Prize for New Playwrights in 1972. The play is centered on the life of Zen master Dogen, and features a unique style in which more than 10 actors change roles quickly and humorously to play more than 50 characters, as well as cynical and daring word play. The play is full of the positive charms of Inoue's plays, while at the same time offering a glimpse into the anguish and arrogance of religious people and the hidden dark side of human nature. Theater Cocoon Artistic Director Yukio Ninagawa has taken on the challenge of this controversial work, which has had only a few chances to be performed, perhaps because of its unrestrained storyline and enormous amount of dialogue. Inspired by Inoue's early plays, which were filled with excessive energy, Ninagawa has gathered together a brilliant and talented cast, including Hiroshi Abe, as well as the most powerful staff. The songs in the play include canon, blues, and opera-style songs sung by Yotaro Ito, who caused a stir in the Japanese musical world when he wrote and directed "Kirei: The Woman Who Wanted to Meet God" (written and directed by Suzuki Matsuo). This fresh combination with Ninagawa shines.
Original Release Year: 2010
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