¡Wing of Darkness (Yuyoku no Fraulein)[Limited Edition]

 Description
[Machine Translation] A high-speed 3D STG with beautiful visuals, music, and a hard-hitting worldview!

The game consists of two elements: a high-speed shooting part that pursues exhilaration, and a cut-scene part that is depicted from the viewpoints of two girls.

The game is an exhilarating high-speed shooter with easy controls that allows players to traverse the beautifully rendered sky and destroy enemies with never-ending ammunition, and a story that unfolds from multiple perspectives as the two heroines, Clara and Erika, move back and forth between their perspectives. The game consists of a high-speed shooting game full of exhilaration and a cut-scene part in which the story is fully voiced by CVs: Kiono Anno and Chihira Mochida. The game is a hot topic in Japanese indie games that has caught the attention of many users at various game events, and is now ready for simultaneous worldwide release.

The limited edition includes an original soundtrack with full chorus OP and ED music and original voice drama sung by the two lead voice actors, and a visual fan book with numerous character and aircraft models. The limited edition also includes an original soundtrack featuring the OP and ED songs sung by the two leading voices and an original voice drama, as well as a visual fan book featuring numerous models of the characters and aircraft.

凌 Credits
Kiyono Yasuno

¡ Detailview


©Neowing co.