¡BERLIOZ : Symphonie fantatique[SACD Hybrid]
¡Charles Munch

 Description
[Machine Translation] [Living Stereo SACD Hybrid 4th release of 10 titles] SACD Reprint Series is now available! You can enjoy the master-quality sound as if you were listening to the performance right in front of you in the comfort of your own home. The masterpiece is Munsch's classic masterpiece of Berlioz's "Fantasy Symphony", his best work! This 1954 recording with the Boston Symphony Orchestra is one of the earliest stereo recordings of the Munsch-Boston Symphony combination. This is one of the earliest stereo recordings of the Munsch-Boston Symphony Orchestra combination, and a masterpiece from the early days of "Stereo Living" made by the famous producer John Pfeiffer.

凌 Credits
Charles Munch/Boston Symphony Orchestra

¡ Detailview
¡ Tracklisting


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