¡Ano Koro, Soshite Kino made
¡Riri Yoshikai

 Description
[Machine Translation] In July 2024, she released a full album of Showa-era songs, "Kichihiraki Ririi", on Nichion's FLOOD TIDE label. This time, from the album "KICHIKAIRI RIRY", "Ai no Hymn", "Kassai", "Koi no Fuga", a cover song by The Peanuts newly recorded for this analog release, "Punishment Game" featuring Orquesta de la Luz, which will be packaged for the first time on this analog release, and "Gohan" from the CDs released so far. The album also includes eight songs from his previous CD releases, including "Gohan", "Empty Nest Woman", "Sad Love", and "Kueka".

凌 Credits
Orquesta De La Luz

¡ Detailview
¡ Tracklisting


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