¡HELLBOYLimited Box w/ Figure [Limited Release]
Bonus features include an original figure and trading card(s). Comes housed in a special packging (circular cylinder-type). [Disc 2 (bonus disc)] 9 animatics, 6 easter eggs, photo gallery, mult-angle storyboard #1-3, Scene Deconstruction, making-of documentary #1-27, Video Introduction to Animated Storyboards Section, Video Introduction to Board a Matics Sequences, Video Introduction to Board a Matics Sequences, Video Introduction to Disc 2 (#1-3), Video Introduction to Scene Progression; Ogdru Jahad, filmograly, character bios, TV Spot #1-8, trailer #102, Weblink #1-2 [Disc 3 (bonus disc)] audio & video commentary, make-up & lighting test, VFX featurette, Video Introduction to Dsic 3 by Ron Perlman, photo gallery (conceptual art: 135page), photo gallery, (production design: 49page), photo gallery (costume design: 7page), photo gallery (set: 65page), photo gallery, (comic book artists pinups), artwork by Mike Mignola, & more.
Special Features:
(Disc 1) audio commetary, DVD-ROM #1 Director's Note Book, DVD-ROM #2 Printable Script, DVD-ROM #3 Script Supervisor's Book, DVD Comic (8 kind), 3 Easter Eggs, making-of featurette (8 kind), Introduction, storyboard, and theatrical trailers
Original Release Year: 2003
Edition Details