¡Live! Senzai Ishoku Tokubetsuban [Suidoubashi Hihokan]
[Machine Translation] The concept of "major comedians show you something you can only see here" was the basis for the extremely popular "LIVE! After its popularity, the comedy program of the same name "Potential Iroshiki: Popular Comedians Show Their First Secret Performance" started in January 2010 on Nippon Television Network Corporation (NTV) and other TV stations. As the popularity and name recognition of the show increased, the show will be held on May 6 and 7, 2010 at the largest scale ever (JCB Hall, Tokyo), and will be called "LIVE! Potential Iroshiki Special Edition (SUIDOUBASHI HIBOUMA KAN)! The May 7 performance will be broadcast live at 11 TOHO CINEMAS locations nationwide, and the much-talked-about live performance will be released on DVD as soon as possible. The DVD includes stories, unit comedy, and projects. In addition to the completely new material, the best of the best of the best will also be performed. Expect to see a lot of great footage!
Special Features:
bonus video footage (subject to change)
Original Release Year: 2010
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