¡Abraxas no Matsuri
¡Japanese Movie
"Abraxas no Matsuri" is the story of a Zen monk named Jonen who finds himself torn between the spiritual and secular life. Directed by Naoki Kato. Stars Kenji Watanabe (SUNEOHAIR). Plot: Jonen was once a punk rock musician, but turned Buddhist monk and live with a wife and a five-year-old son quietly at Zen temple. He keeps struggling from his desire for music, which dies hard and gets into deep depression. The chief monk ends up encouraging Jonen to do a live show. But needless to say, not everyone thinks this is a good idea including his family, and one incident makes him be uncontrollable. . .
Special Features:
trailer, TV spot, music video of "Hallelujah," and more
Original Release Year: 2010
Edition Details