Sgt. Frog (Keroro Gunso) 6th Season8

 Description
[Machine Translation] The TV animation version of the popular heppoko invasion manga serialized in Monthly Shonen Ace. The 6th year of the series is about to begin! Volume 8 of the 6th season DVD. Contains episodes 29 to 32. Liner note enclosed. Jacket illustration newly drawn.

yFirst Pressz Bonus Extra (included while First Press is still available) : 6th special Keroro goods
Original Release Year: 2009

凌 Credits
Mine Yoshizaki (Author)

Kumiko Watanabe (Cast)
Etsuko Kozakura (Cast)
Joji Nakata (Cast)
Takehito Koyasu, Kyoko Hikami (Cast)
Takeshi Kusao (Cast)
SUNRISE (Original Concept)


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