[Machine Translation] If "Paris" had disappeared, what would have happened to the world? It was one man's once-in-a-generation "bargain" that saved the beautiful city. Set in Nazi-occupied France, this historical entertainment depicts the battle between a German officer ordered to destroy Paris and a Swedish Consul General who loves the city. Based on a true story by Cyril Gerry, Volker Schlondorff of "The Tin Drum" and "Letters from Chateaubriand" fame has adapted the play to film. Consul General Nordling and General Koltitz are played by Andre Dusollier (A Dog Called Betrayal) and Niel Allestrup (War Horse, The Pianist at Midnight). --August 25, 1944. The Allied Forces, consisting of American, British, and Free French troops, arrive in Paris. The Hotel Le Meurice, located in the center of Paris, is garrisoned by Nazi German troops led by Dietrich von Kortitz, the Paris defense commander. Before dawn, Cortitz was carrying out a campaign to destroy Paris under the orders of Adolf Hitler. Then the Swedish Consul General Raoul Nordling visits him. Nordling emerges from a hidden staircase and sets about persuading him to prevent the destruction of Paris.
Original Release Year: 2014
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