¡Prokofiev Violin Concerto No.2, Stravinsky Violin Concerto
¡Patricia Kopatchinskaja (violin)

 Description
[Machine Translation] Her latest CD release coincides with her June 2014 visit to Japan at the invitation of the NHK Symphony Orchestra, where she will perform Prokofiev 2nd Symphony No. 2. The CD is a must-see, as it features Prokofiev No. 2, and is backed by Jurovsky, the music director of the London Philharmonic Orchestra, who is currently on the verge of becoming one of the world's most popular musicians. And the performance is so intense that it exceeds even the highest expectations! Kopatchinskaja also performs a cadenza that Stravinsky did not write, but that Kopatchinskaja composed himself. Another masterpiece.

凌 Credits
Patricia Kopatchinskaja

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