Wagakki Band Dai Shinnenkai 2017 Tokyo Taiikukan - Yuki no Utage, Sakura no Utage -[Regular Edition]
Wagakki Band

 Description
Features a 2-day concert held by Wagakki Band at Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium on February 17 and 18. *This is a "Sumapura Movie" compatible product, which enables you to listen to and view the contents on a mobile device in addition to DVD players. [Recommended System Requirements] iOS7/Android4.0 or later. *This service expires two years after the release date. [Important Notes for "Sumapura Music" & "Sumapura Movie" compatible product] No refund is possible after this product is sent. The record company has designed and optimized "Sumapura Music" & "Sumapura Movie" for the market within Japan and registration at "Sumapura" site, available only in Japanese language, is required. They do not guarantee that it works outside of Japan.

yFirst Pressz Bonus Extra (included while First Press is still available) : a deluxe booklet, a trading card randomly selected from nine kinds, digipak & slipcase packaging

凌 Credits

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