Nodame Cantabile: The Final Score Part.1Special Edition
Japanese Movie

 Description
DVD release from the film "Nodame Cantabile: The Final Score Part.1" starring Juri Ueno and Hiroshi Tamaki. The story is set in Paris. Chiaki who won the victory in a competition as a conductor is appointed as the official conductor of The Marlet Orchestra, in which his mentor Stresseman of a young day once served as the music supervisor. However, Chiaki loses his words after seeing unmotivated members of the orchestra and their neglectful performance. In spite of the long-established orchestra, many members resign in recent years for the financial deficit and so an audience can't be attracted in the performance. Chiaki's struggle to revive the orchestra has begun. . . This edition includes two bonus discs. Disc1contains making-of footage, cast comments, promotional footage, and more (total of 160 minutes). Disc2 contains Nodame concert, greetings, and more (subject to change) (total of 120 minutes).

Special Features: trailer and TV spot (subject to change)
yFirst Pressz Bonus Extra (included while First Press is still available) : Also includes a postcard (subject to change)
Original Release Year: 2009

凌 Credits
Tomoko Ninomiya (Author)

Hiroshi Tamaki (Cast)

BECKI (Cast)
Naoto Takenaka (Cast)
Masato Ibu (Cast)

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