¡Taiyo wo Nusunda Otoko (The Man Who Stole the Sun) (English Subtitles)ULTIMATE PREMIUM EDITION
¡Japanese Movie
A junior high-school teacher steals plutonium from a nuclear power plant, makes his own home-made atom bomb and blackmails the government. It's an entertaining action thriller with some cool car chases and gunplay actions. (True story) I previously worked for the company that produced this film. On my first day on the job, I found an ominous looking round "ticking" thing under my desk, which happened to be the "atom bomb" prop used in this film. They told me they had no place else to put the darn thing at that moment and I could even have it! It was heavy, ugly and a bit oil stained and I didn't want it then but I really should have kept it... not to blackmail the government (not that it's such a bad idea:) but to sell it at auction!
Special Features:
trailer(s), collectible booklet, bonus disc
Original Release Year: 1979
Edition Details