¡Japanese TV Series
[Machine Translation] A live-action adaptation of the tennis manga serialized in Weekly Shonen Magazine, which has sold over 10 million copies in total. This coming-of-age drama depicts an earnest high school boy with excellent grades who, upon entering high school, awakens to the allure of tennis and sets his sights on becoming a professional tennis player. --Eiichiro Maruo, 15 years old, is called "A-chan" by everyone because his grades have been all A's since elementary school and his name is Eiichiro. After entering high school, he leads a regular school life without any doubts, but when he meets Natsu Takasaki, a student in the next class, his rhythm begins to go haywire. After school, he follows Natsu to the tennis club to retrieve a notebook he lent her. Seeing her playing tennis earnestly, he takes the notebook and records it. Ae-chan, who had never been involved in tennis before, is fascinated by the sport from then on. Ae-chan challenges the strong players by practicing the basics repeatedly and making full use of the notebook that Ae-chan made. Eventually, she aims to become a professional tennis player in the future. Total of 10 episodes.
Original Release Year: 2017
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