¡Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba - Entertainment District Arc3 [Limited Release]
Anime "Demon Slayer" animated by ufotable and originally written by Koyoharu Gotoge. A boy named Tanjiro Kamado, whose family was killed by demons, joins the "Onikiri-tai" in order to return his sister, Nezuko back to a human. In October 2020, the story "Infinity Train", which follows the TV anime "Tanjiro Kamado Risshi-hen" was released in theaters. Additionally TV anime "Demon Slayer Infinite Train" was broadcasted from October 2021, and TV anime "Demon Slayer Yukaku Hen" will be broadcasted from December 2021. The Yukaku version describes the next mission of Tanjiro and his friends after finishing their mission on the infinite train. This third volume contains episodes 4 and 5. Limited edition bonus includes 1: Special slip case box. 2. Newly-drawn digital cover artwork by ufotable 3. Bonus CD (music collection film scoring version). 4. Booklet (12-pages). 5. Serial code to watch "Blu-ray&DVD purchaser bonus "Demon Slayer Radio" video distribution ver. *Specifications and privileges may be subject to change.
Original Release Year: 2021
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