¡Salting The Battlefield
[Machine Translation] After leaving the Turks and Caicos Islands, the two are hunted by intelligence agencies around the world, and are forced to move from one place to another in Europe. Johnny and Margot, who had narrowly escaped being caught in the middle of a manhunt, realized that the manhunt was just around the corner and decided to split up. Then they receive the surprising news that their only daughter, Julian, is carrying a new life in her belly... Margot, who has been keeping in touch with her daughter, has her calls intercepted and her location determined. Meanwhile, Johnny, using his connections to his old friend Rollo, approaches a publishing house with classified information that his old enemy, the Prime Minister of Great Britain, has been keeping from him for years. The Prime Minister of the U.K., pursued by both the CIA and MI5, finally calls Johnny in for a full-scale showdown...! 4C picture label.
Original Release Year: 2014
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