¡Messiaen: Orgen Works
¡Tom Winpenny (organ)
[Machine Translation] Messiaen completed "The Glorious Body" (8.573682) in 1939; in 1944, he discussed the work's unique writing style in "My Musical Language"; in 1949, he planned to write another work based on a new mode, resulting in two different works. In 1949, he planned to write another work based on a new mode, resulting in two different pieces: the "Pentecost Mass" completed in 1950 and the "Organ Works" in 1951. The "Pentecost Mass" was based on improvisation, while the "Organ Collection" is a meticulously calculated blend of Hindu rhythms and birdcalls. Both are strangely beautiful, taking advantage of the organ's functions to the utmost limit. The world premiere recording of "Tristan and Isolde: Theme of Love" was written in 1945 as a theme for improvisation. This melody was later used in the song cycle "Halawi.