エンド オブ エタニティ オリジナルサウンドトラック
[Disc 1]
1. The beginning of eternity
2. Fighting with the devil
3. The truth
4. Resonance of fate
5. Home sweet home
6. Upper World
7. Upper World-Night
8. Mall
9. Quiet Time
10. Ebel City
11. Ebel CIty-Night
12. Back Alley(A)
13. Back Alley(B)
14. Chandelier
15. Chandelier-Night
16. Cardinal's Manor
17. Rainy Bridge(A)
18. Rainy Bridge(B)
19. Closed Road(A)
20. Closed Road(B)
21. Irruption(A)
22. Irruption(B)
23. Victory
24. Middle World
25. Middle World-Night
26. Cranktown
27. Cranktown-Night
28. Crank Seminary
29. Perpetual
30. Obsessed
31. Hughes Power Station(A)
32. Hughes Power Station(B)
33. Hughes Power Station-Night(A)
34. Hughes Power Station-Night(B)
35. Arena(A)
36. Arena(B)
37. Cheerful and peaceful
38. Forest road of Idols(A)
39. Forest road of Idols(B)
40. Forest of Idols(A)
41. Forest of Idols(B)
42. Open Air Studio(A)
43. Open Air Studio(B)
44. End of fate
45. Danger Danger
46. Lower World
47. Albona
48. Mine 24(A)
49. Mine 24(B)
50. Delight & Enjoyment
51. Tundra(A)
52. Tundra(B)
53. Silver Canyon(A)
54. Silver Canyon(B)
55. Silver Canyon-Night(A)
56. Silver Canyon-Night(B)
57. Reverse of fortune
58. Lucia(A)
59. Lucia(B)
60. Scrapyard(A)
61. Scrapyard(B)
62. Fire after fire(A)
63. Fire after fire(B)
64. Different desire
65. Disillusion(A)
66. Disillusion(B)
67. Etsia(A)
68. Etsia(B)
69. Gran Idee Mines(A)
70. Gran Idee Mines(B)
71. Freud Remnants(A)
72. Freud Remnants(B)
73. Rock Crushing Site(A)
74. Rock Crushing Site(B)
75. Deserted Block(A)
76. Deserted Block(B)
77. Disaster
78. Shoot it out(A)
79. Shoot it out(B)
80. Associates
81. Happy-go-lucky
82. Square Garden-Red & Green(A)
83. Square Garden-Red & Green(B)
84. Square Garden-White(A)
85. Square Garden-White(B)
86. Warehouse District(A)
87. Warehouse District(B)
88. Dakota Vein(A)
89. Dakota Vein(B)
90. Patertopolis(A)
91. Patertopolis(B)
92. I would be a CHAMP!?
93. a memento of...
94. Elderly sage
95. Aetersyl(A)
96. Aetersyl(B)
97. Outer Wall(A)
98. Outer Wall(B)
99. Lifting shadows off the fate
100. Shadows of the fate
101. Fret
102. Basilica(A)
103. Basilica(B)
104. Showdown
105. Armed and Dangerous(A)
106. Armed and Dangerous(B)
107. Best friends
108. In the frame(A)
109. In the frame(B)
110. Battle to pay the debt(A)
111. Battle to pay the debt(B)
112. Anguish of a man on the clockwork world
113. The show must go on(A)
114. The show must go on(B)
115. Final Curtain
116. The end of eternity
117. Dangerous Attraction
118. Red Hot Choi Polis

出荷: 販売終了(購入不可)




powerd by Neowing