¡Ð­°¼Þ¶Ùw“Œ•—•‘x `‰Ô‰e‚ä‚ê‚é“u…`[‰‰ñŒÀ’è”Õ B]
¡“Œ•’jŽm formation of ‰Ô‰e

[Disc 1]
1. ‚æ‚Ý‚Ñ‚Æ₦‚¸ song by ˆêŠúˆêU¥‚Ö‚µØ’·’J•” / “Œ•’jŽm formation of ‰Ô‰e
2. ’N(‚½)‚ªˆ×‚Ì“g(‚©‚炾) song by ‚Ö‚µØ’·’J•” / “Œ•’jŽm formation of ‰Ô‰e
3. Œ¾—t‚È‚«‘Θb song by –{ˆ¢–íŒõ“¿ / “Œ•’jŽm formation of ‰Ô‰e
4. w“Œ•—•‘x `‰Ô‰e‚ä‚ê‚é“u…` / “Œ•’jŽm formation of ‰Ô‰e
5. ‚܂ꂽ–¼‘O song by ŽR‰WØ’·‹` / “Œ•’jŽm formation of ‰Ô‰e
6. Ä‚¯—Ž‚¿‚½Žv‚¢o song by ˆêŠúˆêU / “Œ•’jŽm formation of ‰Ô‰e
7. ›ßŒÈ–¤ŒÈ`‚¤‚è‚Ó‚½‚ song by ‘å”ÊŽá’·Œõ¥¬—³ŒiŒõ¥‚Ö‚µØ’·’J•”¥ŽR‰WØ’·‹`¥¶¹Þ¥ŽžŠÔ‘ksŒR / “Œ•’jŽm formation of ‰Ô‰e
8. Œ¤‚¬Ÿ‚Ü‚·S song by –{ˆ¢–íŒõ“¿¥Œ¤Žt‚½‚¿ / “Œ•’jŽm formation of ‰Ô‰e
9. ›ßŒÈ–¤ŒÈ`‚Ç‚¿‚ç‚©‚ЂƂ song by ¶¹Þ¥ŽžŠÔ‘ksŒR / “Œ•’jŽm formation of ‰Ô‰e
10. ”²‚¯—Ž‚¿‚½’†g song by ˆêŠúˆêU¥¶¹Þ / “Œ•’jŽm formation of ‰Ô‰e
11. ‰Z”„‚è‚ɉZ“ñ‚ song by ˆêŠúˆêU¥‘å”ÊŽá’·Œõ¥¬—³ŒiŒõ¥‚Ö‚µØ’·’J•”¥–LbG‹g¥‰Æb‚½‚¿¥‘å–¼‚½‚¿ / “Œ•’jŽm formation of ‰Ô‰e
12. ‰Z”„‚è‚ɉZ“ñ‚Â`›ßŒÈ–¤ŒÈ song by –{ˆ¢–íŒõ“¿¥¶¹Þ¥‰Æb‚½‚¿¥‘å–¼‚½‚¿¥ŽžŠÔ‘ksŒR / “Œ•’jŽm formation of ‰Ô‰e
13. ‰f‚·ŒÈ ‰f‚éŒÈ song by ˆêŠúˆêU / “Œ•’jŽm formation of ‰Ô‰e
14. —Ž‚¿‚Ä‚ä‚­‰¹ song by ‹SŠÛ‘j¥‘å”ÊŽá’·Œõ¥¬—³ŒiŒõ¥‚Ö‚µØ’·’J•”¥ŽR‰WØ’·‹`¥–LbG‹g¥¶¹Þ¥‰Æb‚½‚¿¥ç—˜‹x / “Œ•’jŽm formation of ‰Ô‰e
15. ‰Ô‚̉J ·Ð‚Ì–¼Žc song by ¬—³ŒiŒõ / “Œ•’jŽm formation of ‰Ô‰e
16. “ñ‰H‚Ì—’¹ song by ‘å”ÊŽá’·Œõ / “Œ•’jŽm formation of ‰Ô‰e
17. ¡‚ÌŽ„ song by ˆêŠúˆêU¥–{ˆ¢–íŒõ“¿ / “Œ•’jŽm formation of ‰Ô‰e
18. Œ¾—t‚È‚«‘ΘbØÌßײ½Þ song by ‹SŠÛ‘j¥ˆêŠúˆêU¥‘å”ÊŽá’·Œõ¥¬—³ŒiŒõ¥‚Ö‚µØ’·’J•”¥ŽR‰WØ’·‹`¥–{ˆ¢–íŒõ“¿ / “Œ•’jŽm formation of ‰Ô‰e
19. ‚æ‚Ý‚Ñ‚Æ‚µ‚炸 / “Œ•’jŽm formation of ‰Ô‰e
[Disc 2]
1. IGNITION / “Œ•’jŽm formation of ‰Ô‰e
2. Sing out! / “Œ•’jŽm formation of ‰Ô‰e
3. Beast Beat!! song by ‘å”ÊŽá’·Œõ¥¬—³ŒiŒõ / “Œ•’jŽm formation of ‰Ô‰e
4. Maze Of Fire song by ‹SŠÛ‘j¥ˆêŠúˆêU / “Œ•’jŽm formation of ‰Ô‰e
5. ŒÛ–Œ‚̉œ song by ŽR‰WØ’·‹` / “Œ•’jŽm formation of ‰Ô‰e
6. Rainy... song by ‚Ö‚µØ’·’J•” / “Œ•’jŽm formation of ‰Ô‰e
7. ‰Š•‘ / “Œ•’jŽm formation of ‰Ô‰e
8. ‰ä‚ª–¼‚ð’m‚ê‚è‚â song by –{ˆ¢–íŒõ“¿¥–LbG‹g¥¶¹Þ¥ŽžŠÔ‘ksŒR / “Œ•’jŽm formation of ‰Ô‰e
[Disc 3]
1. IGNITION / “Œ•’jŽm formation of ‰Ô‰e
2. Sing out! / “Œ•’jŽm formation of ‰Ô‰e
3. Beast Beat!! song by ‘å”ÊŽá’·Œõ¥¬—³ŒiŒõ / “Œ•’jŽm formation of ‰Ô‰e
4. Maze Of Fire song by ‹SŠÛ‘j¥ˆêŠúˆêU / “Œ•’jŽm formation of ‰Ô‰e
5. ŒÛ–Œ‚̉œ song by ŽR‰WØ’·‹` / “Œ•’jŽm formation of ‰Ô‰e
6. Rainy... song by ‚Ö‚µØ’·’J•” / “Œ•’jŽm formation of ‰Ô‰e
7. ‰Š•‘ / “Œ•’jŽm formation of ‰Ô‰e
8. ‰ä‚ª–¼‚ð’m‚ê‚è‚â song by –{ˆ¢–íŒõ“¿¥–LbG‹g¥¶¹Þ¥ŽžŠÔ‘ksŒR / “Œ•’jŽm formation of ‰Ô‰e
9. w“Œ•—•‘x`¶°Ãݺ°Ù` / “Œ•’jŽm formation of ‰Ô‰e
10. MVwIGNITIONx / “Œ•’jŽm formation of ‰Ô‰e
11. MVwIGNITIONxÒ²·Ý¸ÞPart2 -‘å”ÊŽá’·Œõ¥¬—³ŒiŒõ¥ŽR‰WØ’·‹`- / “Œ•’jŽm formation of ‰Ô‰e

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